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    40 Best Dating Profile Bio Examples for Females

    by Ellie

    To make you stand out and be memorable at first glance, it’s crucial to write a fun and unique dating profile bio. If you are puzzled about what to write about yourself on a dating site, no worries, this article gives you the best dating profile bio examples for females, only a short dating profile bio makes you make you shine in a crowd.

    40 dating profile bio examples for females

    If you’ve recently signed up for a few dating apps but you’re still stuck for something to write on your dating profile, you might be feeling a tad frustrated. After all, each dating app is different and requires you to write a different profile. Try these great dating profile bios below to attract guys:

    1. Smoking harms your health, but loving me promotes longevity.
    2. No one can use me because I am of no use.
    3. Want someone to help polish off that last slice of pizza?
    4. Love can be discussed slowly, but food must be eaten immediately.
    5. This place is too small to contain my immense happiness.
    6. If you can’t handle me when I’m at my worst, you’re probably just like everyone else.
    7. This damn weather is colder than a man’s heart.
    8. Loving one person is tiring, how about love five, six, seven, or eight?
    9. Lover of laughter, seeker of adventures, and connoisseur of good conversation.
    10. Flowers can still grow even if not appreciated.
    11. Bookworm by day, stargazer by night.
    12. Tech geek by day, and a gaming enthusiast by night.
    13. Pretty faces are a dime a dozen; an interesting belly is more fun to bounce.
    14. If everything were as easy as gaining weight.
    15. Looking for someone tall enough to reach the top shelf.
    16. Hoping to be both interesting and wealthy; if not, being wealthy alone would do.
    17. I’ve got 99 problems, but finding a date shouldn’t be one.
    18. If you can’t eat at night, why does the fridge have a light?
    19. About my story, my version is better.
    20. Not a catfish, but I’ve been compared to a mermaid.
    21. Night owl who thrives in the moonlight and finds magic in starry skies.
    22. Hopeless romantic with a knack for cheesy pickup lines.
    23. Long-term prescription: forever love me.
    24. Lonely people have souls that burn.
    25. Adorable and charming villain.
    26. Go to an uninhabited island and touch a shark’s horn.
    27. Swipe right if you’re ready for laughter, love, and unforgettable memories.
    28. Swipe right if you’re up for skydiving or spontaneous road trips!
    29. Be careful not to be dazzled by my cuteness.
    30. A locally renowned adorable imp.
    31. Your assigned task: think of me before sleeping.
    32. Want to eat away sorrow, but it’s too big.
    33. I’ll take responsibility for my own cuteness.
    34. Walking alone is a date with the Earth.
    35. If the moon doesn’t sleep, I don’t sleep; if the sun rises, I don’t rise.
    36. If you want to understand me, start by understanding the weather.
    37. Please participate in my winter.
    38. A very cute person is reading my profile bio.
    39. A good sleep is the way to reboot life.
    40. The world may be frustrating, but you must remain adorable.

    What should you write in your dating profile bio?

    short dating profile bio

    You can introduce yourself, tell a little bit about what you like to do, and briefly talk about what you’re looking for. You don’t have to give every single detail of your life or give a massive checklist of what you need. Just make it simple, short, sweet, and straight to the point. The idea is just to arouse enough interest for someone to send you a message or a flirt to start a conversation where you can get to know each other better.

    What NOT to put into your dating profile?

    Your online dating profile is the key to whether or not you’re going to have success finding what you’re looking for. No matter whether you’re looking for love, marriage, casual dating, or just friendship – a great online dating profile decides your level of success. To make your profile stand out and for your safety, you need to pay attention to the following options:

    1. Rants and Complaints

    While writing your dating profile, avoid negativity. Negativity can suggest that you’re burned out, bitter, or generally pessimistic — which are hardly the types of qualities that are likely to inspire a right swipe.

    2. Too Much Personal Info

    It’s best not to put overshare info in your profile for safety reasons. Do not leave your phone number, address, and other contact info out of your bio – you’ll probably want to build up some trust with someone before revealing those details.

    3. Only Group Photos

    From dating profile examples, having a group pic or two can offer a glimpse into your social life, but experts warn that only including photos with other people can make it really difficult for other users to figure out who you are.

    4. Straight-Up Lies

    It can be tempting to twist the truth a little bit. However, whether you claim that you’re younger or taller than you are, or pretend you have a potentially more impressive occupation, your match will inevitably find out the truth eventually- they’re bound to have a major issue trusting you.


    Hope you’ve enjoyed this article and that you’re now in a position to write a better and more exciting dating profile. This may take some time but you can use the dating profile examples in this article as inspiration. Just make sure to keep yours unique and don’t be afraid to keep tweaking until you get this right.