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    Online Dating as a Curvy Girl: The Things That No One Tells You

    by Ellie

    With the presence of proper online dating sites, people find their soul mates every day online. Youā€™ll find sites for executives, LGBTQ, and other fantastic platforms. However, plus size dating is something people donā€™t give so much attention to.

    As a curvy girl, you deserve to have fun, get an adorable partner, and be loved truly.

    There are many plus size dating apps where you can get your desire.Ā But just before you join the pool, learn our tips for plus size online dating.

    plus size dating-couple
    Photo by AllGo ā€“ An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

    Quell the inner dialogue and replace with confidence

    One of the major drawbacks of online dating for plus-sized beauties is the inner dialogue they have. When they need to meet a partner for the first time, theyā€™re plagued with questions.

    Do I look like my pictures or a sack of potatoes? Iā€™ve tried to lose weight but it is not working. Will this person like what they see? How are they going to react when they see me? The questions keep pouring in and their self-esteem drops as the dialogue progresses. Have you experienced this? Then we say, quell the dialogue! Build confidence and healthy self-esteem because dating plus size women is fun. Youā€™re beautiful and with a very big heart to give all the love and some. Go with the confidence that another personā€™s opinion of you isnā€™t valid, and itā€™s their loss for not seeing who you are.

    Never settle

    The most common pattern of fat girls dating is settling. Big girls often accept the first person that wants them, and this stems from the fear of rejection. Fear of rejection restricts them from coming out of their shells because they feel that theyā€™re not good enough. If this is you as a curvy girl, rise above this fear. Tell yourself that youā€™re enough and ask your first date out today. Go for who you want and not who wants you, as youā€™ll be truly happy this way. Rejection happens in every sphere of life and it hurts so bad, but never stew for long. A rejection simply clears the path for those deserving of you to show up.

    Ditch anyone that makes you uncomfortable in your body

    Humans can be very insensitive in shoving their opinions down peopleā€™s throats. As a plus-sized woman, youā€™ll encounter this a lot. Prospective partners telling you not to wear shorts, wear skinny jeans, donā€™t do things this way or that. Youā€™ll get comments telling you how youā€™d look better if you shed a little or funny comments about body parts. When this happens, donā€™t entertain it or explain yourself. Ditch such persons very fast without second thoughts. Keeping such people in your life can drown your confidence and depress you. But first, you must accept and love yourself the way you are. This will give you the boldness to demand better, without sacrificing your sanity in the process.

    Distinguish between admiration and a fetish

    Many people love and admire curvy girls for different reasons. But where do you draw the line between true affection and fetishes? When prospective partners compliment you and then ask you to get biggerā€¦ When they try to push you to into an unhealthy lifestyle either to maintain or add some weightā€¦ Or when they go on and on about the things that they love doing to fat girlsā€¦ Or when they insinuate that theyā€™d love you to do specific things as a big girl for their excitementā€¦ Then it becomes a fat girl fetish. Please run away and severe contacts unless you share the same sentiments. If you donā€™t, hanging around such people can be harmful over time.

    Be yourself always

    This may sound clichƩ, but it cannot be overemphasized. Your personality is a headlight, let it shine through at all times. Never conform or fake who you are to gain acceptance. Go out, have fun, be your bubbly or reserved self, and live your truth always. Whoever is right for you will be attracted without effort.

    In case you and your partner make it down the aisle, we also have a bonus wedding spreadsheet for you. A wedding budget spreadsheet helps you keep track of your spending while planning your big day.

    To create a standard spreadsheet, you must think about how much you will spend and your wedding style. Think about the must-haves, important but not necessary, and the least needed stuff. Do vendors survey and allocate costs to items but leaving it flexible; also create a miscellaneous budget for emergencies. This can be a draining task but itā€™s made easy with printable spreadsheets and apps online.

    Plus size dating is fun and rewarding when you know what to do. Weā€™ve put together some helpful tips to help you enjoy your time dating online. Additionally, thereā€™s a wedding budget spreadsheet for you if your relationship moves to the next level.

    In all, we wish you good luck!


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