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    Bitter Truth: Survey Shows Plus-size Women Exploited by ā€œSeasonal Datingā€

    by Ellie

    WooPlus reveals Seasonal Dating Disorder is leaving plus-size women with shattered dreams.

    Ā Plus-size women are more likely to attract male attention in cold weather months, possibly courting springtime heartbreak, according to a new survey by a leading plus-size dating app which blames recently-acknowledged ā€œSeasonal Dating Disorder.ā€

    seasonal dating - plus size women

    A Survey From WooPlus

    WooPlus noted a 30-percent surge in male subscribers in November, leading executives to survey their female clients about winter dating. The results indicate plump women draw more admirers in cold weather, only to experience breakups and heartache in the spring.

    ā€œSeasonal Dating Disorder seems to be another obstacle plus-sized ladies must deal with in todayā€™s relationship environment,ā€ said WooPlusĀ co-founder Michelle Li. ā€œSadly, at this festive time of year, we feel it necessary to put out a warning.ā€

    SDD is the practice of starting a romantic relationship during winter, only to abandon the love interest as spring approaches. Ā Recognized by psychologistsĀ and sociologists, SDD is linked to a rise in melatonin in cold weather, which triggers a slower pace and a preference for snuggling at home, Li said. ā€œItā€™s not just fickle millennial dating behavior,ā€ she added. ā€œSDD clearly has a biological basis.ā€

    Ashly is a WooPlus member who feels victimized by SDD. Ā She met an apparently loving man and the two enjoyed an intimate and cozy winter. But as the weather warmed, his feelings cooled and he broke off the relationship.


    ā€œThatā€™s happened quite a lot,ā€ Ashly said in the survey. ā€œAs soon as winter is over they show their true face. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling of getting ripped off.ā€

    Brianna, another WooPlus member, had a similarly frustrating experience.

    ā€œI saw it as men coming to their senses in the fall, winter, and spring, but losing their minds in the summer,ā€ she said.

    Larger women can easily mistake an SDD-based relationship for true love, leading to crushing heartbreak, Li adds. Ā ā€œThese innocent, loving women think their partner will care for them, but they end up being victims of SDD.ā€

    ā€œThe good news is that thanks to coverageĀ on sites like MSN, Askmen.com, the Independent and the Guardian, SDD is becoming better known,ā€ Li said. Ā ā€œThe larger issue is men often fail to see past mere size and graspĀ true inner beauty of plus-size women.ā€

    WooPlus is deploying Big Data resources and AI technology to add an extra layer of safety to the popular dating site to assure plus-size ladies are aware of the pitfalls of SDD-based relationships.

    ā€œWe are about helping people meet true, loving partners through our app, and more than ten thousand people are already active on the site,ā€ Li said. ā€œWe are constantly identifying new ways to watch out for our members. Besides,Ā we are keeping them informed on matters of relationships, lifestyle, and dating.ā€