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    Blogs/Dating & Relationship

    You Deserve to Be Loved

    by Ellie

    With wedding season well under way, a lot of women are on the hunt for their perfect dress. But, they tend to struggle with body love and acceptance when it comes to finding that dress. For them, they have to lose weight for their wedding to be perfect, to by happy. This is something that British plus-size style blogger and columnist Callie Thorpe wants to change.

    Callie Thorpe / via Instagram.com

    Image: Instagram/@calliethorpe

    Originally, Thorpe created her blog to create a safe zone free of body shaming for herself, but also for other women. She wanted to show women that they can love fashion regardless of their size. When Thorpe married Dan Hethrington earlier this month, she took it as an opportunity to send an even more powerful and positive message about body love and self-acceptance.

    After her wedding, Thorpe began sharing pictures from her special day on social media. On the day, she wore a stunning fishtail skirt-style wedding dress. When sharing one of the pictures, Thorpe explained how she immediately fell in love with her dress and how it looked on her. But, there was a part of her the questioned if she could actually pull it off. She admitted that when she was younger, she did not even believe she could get married if she was not thinā€”a thought that many other women have also had.

    But she did not let these thoughts stop her from choosing that dress or planning her wedding. She went on to remind her followers that as you grow, you begin to surround yourself with the kind of people that will love and support you. Thorpe found all of this in Dan Hethrington, who loves her for herself, rather than her size. She explained that when she walked down the aisle, he looked at her like she was magic.

    This is what every woman deserves. Someone that loves them so deeply, that loves them regardless of their size or appearance. But before you can find that love, you need to learn personal body love and acceptance. Because, as Thorpe reminded her followers, ā€œwe accept the love we think we deserveā€ā€”so when you learn to love yourself as you are, you open yourself to true love.

    Forget about size and looks because that should not matter at all when it comes to finding love. What truly matters is finding someone who loves you for you, someone that makes you happy and supports you in everything you do.

    Callie Thorpe has sent a powerful message about body love by sharing her wedding pictures and the personal insecurities she had to overcome. She has helped to inspire hundreds of women from around the world to set aside their insecurities and fears when it comes to love and planning their weddings by reminding them of what is most important; the love. You should never think that you do not deserve love just because of your size. Because, just like Callie Thorpe has said, you deserve to be loved and cherished regardless of your size and shape.

    See also:

    Embrace Your Body

    #HereIAm: A Message About Body Confidence