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    plus size dating
    Blogs/Dating & Relationship

    Surprising Online Dating Statistics In 2024 (Plus-Size Dating Included)

    by Ellie

    Section 1  Introduction

    What is Online Dating Defined As?

    Online dating is not an unfamiliar term, especially during the pandemic. It has become a trendy new way to find love or date someone. According to Wiki, online dating is a relatively recent method used by people to look for and interact with potential romantic or sexual partners through the internet.

    Online Dating History Timeline

    As generations change, so do the ideas of dating and finding a partner. Then, when the internet was conceived, it connected us all, so personal ads went digital, and online dating services were born.

    Now let’s walk through everything related to the history of online dating:

    Traditional Dating VS Online Dating:

    In the digital generation, social dating, Facebook dating, or offline dating with the help of friends has become old-fashioned. But as each person’s relationship goals may vary, from hook-ups to marriage proposals, there’s a way for everyone. Now let’s talk about the differences between traditional dating and online dating.

    Traditional Dating: In the past, traditional dating was the way to find a mate. People with the courage to ask out that cute girl or guy they’ve been crushing on. This means that two people develop a personal connection before they even start going out, leading to a stronger relationship.

    Online Dating: As we mentioned, online dating is a new way to find potential romantic or sexual partners. People tend to explore more romantic opportunities through internet dating. It’s better than traditional dating, which is confined to meeting people nearby.

    Dating VS Relationship

    Dating and relationships are different stages with different attitudes. One must know the difference to avoid confusion and ensure their importance in each other’s lives.

    According to research on Marriage.com, there are 15 differences you must know between Dating and Relationships. As for dating, people have yet to decide whether they should build a serious long-term relationship. While if you are in a real relationship, you tend to commit to your partner.

    Of course, you should distinguish the differences between dating and relationships from more angles.

    Statistics About Online Dating Apps

    1) 53M people are engaged in dating apps, up from 44.2 million users in 2020

    As generations change, more and more people find mates via the internet. According to Statista’s Digital Market Research, the online dating service is most popular in the US, with approximately 53 million people, up from 44.2M users in 2022.

    While online dating is also popular in European countries. And it is reported that online dating services will reach 413 million active users worldwide by the end of 2022.

    2) 32% of men and 28% of women have ever used dating apps/sites

    Photo Source: WooPlus

    As for online dating apps/sites, it is not hard to find one of the crucial points for finding a successful relationship is the gender ratio. Dating experts on pewresearch said, “Three in ten Americans admit they have used a dating app/site, and about  32% of men and 28% of women are among these.”

    Thus, online dating apps are expected to help you gain an obsession with the opposite sex significantly.

    3) Groups of every age can find their dating app

    Online dating is not limited to specific flocks. Whether older or younger, they can find a friendly community committed to finding their mates. As we mentioned, 32% of men in the US have used dating apps/sites, compared to 28% of women.

    Photo Source: WooPlus

    But, the proportion changes according to different ages. We found that 18~29 adults are the main folks in online dating, about 48%. While the share is 38% among those ages 30 to 49, and it is lower for 50 and older.

    4) Christian dating is the fastest-growing niche app

    Apptopia conducted a study on niche dating apps and found that they are slowly growing to new heights. Furthermore, more and more people use dating apps than ever before, and the Christian dating app is the fastest-growing niche app.

    5) 12% of adults said they had a relationship and married through online dating

    If you are looking for a serious relationship, you have to pay attention to the success rate of online dating. According to statistics conducted by pew research, 12% of adults in the US said they had a relationship and married.

    To better illustrate how many people get engaged or find a relationship, WooPlus, the plus size dating app, initiated a topic in weekly talk:

    “Throughout the whole year, how many people have you met from online to offline?” 1679 users voted, and even more than 300 users expressed their thoughts in comments.

    Photo Source: WooPlus Weekly Talk

    Now, let’s look at the result:

    It is not difficult to find that about 50% of users on WooPlus made a visual date offline, thus, dating apps provide opportunities for single people. “You can see, there are still 41% of users who never meet people in real life but because our statistics are based on all users, including the old and newcomers, newcomers are indeed given fewer chances to date others in daily life,” said the WooPlus product manager.

    Section 3 Statistics About Plus-Size Dating

    7)1.9M people have used plus size dating apps/sites to date in 2022

    Photo Source: WooPlus

    Nowadays, niche dating apps/sites are becoming more and more popular due to men’s favor over plus-size individuals. “WooPlus accumulated 1.5M users in 2022, and we believe this number will keep going up in 2023,” said Iris, the product manager at WooPlus. Besides, it is reported that at least 1.9M people have used plus size dating apps/sites in the US, plus the 350K users in BBWcupid and 100K in LargeFriends.

    8) Plus-size girls are attractive to rip gym bros

    Photo Source: WooPlus

    What a surprising survey! You must have no idea gym bros love plus-size girls. However, exactly it is. A recent survey of 2,385 female WooPlus users found that 82% of them have matched with a “gym guy” and had very nice conversations.

    “Gym guys even tell us they could feel very inadequate when girls don’t like them back. So girls, give them a chance! Your beauty, confidence, and all that great personality fit men see that regardless of size.” said WooPlus founder and CEO Neil Raman.

    9)WooPlus, is taken as the most inclusive platform for bisexual

    Photo Source: WooPlus

    It is not easy for plus-size people to find a no-body shame and friendly community, let alone look for an LGBTQ community that welcomes plus-size individuals.

    To better celebrate pride month and stand with curvy LGBTQ users, WooPlus, conducted an in-app survey and found that among self-identified LGBTQ members, 14.5% identify themselves as lesbian, 11.3% as transgender, and 4.8% as gay. Surprisingly, nearly half of their LGBTQI+ users are bisexual.

    “We are thrilled about the survey statistics, which show more curvy LGBTQ members have acknowledged WooPlus is an inclusive platform to enjoy dating and find love.” from Neil, founder and CEO of WooPlus.

    10) WooPlus, has proved to be the most popular in the App Store and Google Play Store

    Photo Source: App Store

    As we can see in the App Store screenshot, there are 12 dating apps in the Top 100 Social Networking, but only one plus-size dating app (WooPlus) is included. Thus, WooPlus is one of the best dating apps for plus-size individuals.

    Meanwhile, let’s check the Google Play Store. We searched “Dating Apps” in Google Play Store and found that WooPlus still ranks top among niche dating (plus-size dating) apps.

    Photo Source: Google Play Store

    Section 4  “Double Edges” of Online Dating

    “Online dating” is not a new concept: from web forums to apps, online dating creates a new way to find partners, and also, after years of development, people are paying more and more attention to its pros and cons.


    1. Easy to get started: Nowadays, you only need to download a dating app, and then you can meet people from almost all over the world. Swift right or left, you can make your own choice.
    2. More dating opportunities: 53M people are engaged. Thus dating apps could be an “OASIS” for you.
    3. Physical safety: Compared with the traditional date, not having to meet offline at the beginning is the most direct way to protect your physical safety, which is a prominent feature of online dating. You can decide whether to go further after getting to know each other well online, which doesn’t require you to take any risks (as long as you don’t reveal too much personal information)


    1. Time cost: You must invest much time to find a match that really “matches” you(personels, hobbies, lifestyles……)
    2. Online Bully: The Internet is open to any thoughts, so it’s unavoidable that if you post a view and get many bad replies just because of that opinion, they don’t like it.
    3. Users’ concerns: 28% users are frustrated cuz “No Response“; 25% users are suffer-ed/ing “Ghosting“; 25% users are hurt by “Disrespectful” words; 14% users said few matches read the profile info; and 8% users are annoyed by matches’ “Bad Grammar“(cuz this may indicate the matches are suspended as “Romance Scammers”)
    Photo Source: WooPlus

    4. Against Scammers:

    What did dating apps do? Users always think dating apps do nothing against “romance scammers,” so is this true?

    Hitting Online scammer is a severe problem. Although significant dating apps have yet to think of a completely effective method, the online dating industry has been working hard to find a solution.

    • FilterOff: They create a chatbot. When a user is committed as a scammer, he/she will be put into a “dark pool” in which they will match another scammer or a chatbot.
    • Bumble: Once a user reported someone, they will check the suspended profile manually.
    • WooPlus: The “Scammer Filter System” will investigate suspending profiles first, then the WooPlus manual-check team will look further and take measure.

    5. Violence

    Photo Source: The Journals Sagepub

    Research conducted by BYU professor Julie Valentine and a team of researchers published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence uncovered alarming evidence that “sexual predators use dating applications as hunting lands for powerless victims.” Utah sexual assault victims’ exams from 2017 and 2020 show that “14% of the 1,968 rapes dedicated by understandings emerged during an initial meetup organized via a dating app,” according to BYU University Communications.

    Section 5 Online Dating Tips

    1. Before engaging in curvy dating apps, you should know some basics about BBW: What is BBW? Why is BBW so attractive? Do men appreciate BBW? (More details are here)
    2. “I joined a plus-size dating app but got no response. What should I do?” This question must troubles you, but before matching, do you really get ready? No matter what, a perfect profile is crucial to matching a date. Here are our 4-S tips:
    • Simple: Talk about your deep thoughts with your matches.
    • Short: Arise others’ interests.
    • Sweet: Impressive your potential matches.
    • Straight to the point: It may increase your success rate.
    1. “Where are my matches? Why did they stop talking with me?” Oops, dear, you may be “Zombie-ed“. We all know it’s rude and irresponsible, but the Internet has changed: Gen-Z, who is now a powerful netizen group, loves these little tricks. What is “Zombie-ing” dating? Why? And how to deal with it? You will find answers here.
    2. Besides online social media, is there any way to help you meet singles near you? The answer is an absolute yes. Here are 10 Efficient Ways: Online Dating Apps; Join Gym in your area; Go to the beach or lake nearby your location; Volunteer in the Community; Take your pet for a walk; Go to bars (nightclubs); Take a foreign language class; Join Dance Class; Go to local events that are happening in your local areas; Go to amusement parks, museums, etc. (More details are here)
    3. Since you’ve joined a dating app and made an excellent profile, it’s time to start chatting! No idea about conversation and flirting? Here are our suggestions.
    4. It’s time to meet up offline, but dating anxiety hit you? Don’t worry; we found solutions on this article.
    5. For a perfect first date, ladies, you must know some Basic First Date Tips and Conversation First Date Tips. (More details are here)

    Section 6 Curvy Opinions

    Curvy women always believe in a liar that the mainstream keeps saying – Plus-sized women cannot be loved cuz all people love slim liners. However, the truth is – curvy women are the perfect partner in many men’s minds.

    Why are curvy women so popular? Comes from not only their body shape but also their alluring life attitudes: brave, positive, and honest to themselves.

    At the beginning of 2022, Zayn seems joined WooPlus. We believe it is Curvy’s unique charms that attract so many men into them.

    Photo Source: The Sun

    2) Taylor Swift is”Fat-Phobic”?

    This October, Taylor Swift was accused of a “FAT-Phobic”. As a curvy-friendly community, WooPlus posted a poll, but to our surprise, nearly 54% WooPlus users don’t think Taylor offends them.

    Photo Source: WooPlus

    We understand the feeling that people don’t want to hurt curvy and thus blame the “offender”. But while blaming him/her, it seems that the voice of the curvy is ignored.

    The right way to protect “victims” is Not to ‘speak up’ for them but to Hear them.

    Section 7  Final Thoughts:

    It is undeniable that online dating programs have many shortcomings, but it is even more definite that online dating does have more advantages than disadvantages. So this industry is still increasing:

    Photo Source: WooPlus

    An article posted by Bumble recently said people focus on themselves more than love and work.

    WooPlus also has a similar poll, and although the result seems to indicate the same meaning, we can find that WooPlus users are still open to encountering a relationship:

    Photo Source: WooPlus Weekly Talk

    All in all, as the classic movie Installer said:

    Love is the only thing that transcends time and space.

    Love makes us brave, confident, and shine in our lifetime.

    WooPlus always insists love is just love, regardless of size or gender. Join us now, and find love Now.