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    LooksMax AI Review: What is It and How to Looksmax

    by Ellie

    Looksmaxxing refers to the effort to enhance one’s appearance and charm, including any actions taken to improve looks and attractiveness. Nowadays, there are even many AI tools to help you looksmax, this is what Looksmax AI is all about. If you still have no idea about it, check out our review below.

    What is Looksmax AI?

    LooksMax AI is a personalized assistant app that uses artificial intelligence technology to help users enhance their physical attractiveness. Whether you are looking for professional advice on appearance, body shape, or fashion, or you want to boost your confidence, LooksMax AI can meet your needs.

    It rates your physical and facial features by analyzing the photos you upload, and then offers personalized improvement suggestions to get you started on the path to bettering yourself.

    Additionally, LooksMax AI has an active community where you can share experiences and support each other with friends who are similarly interested in improving themselves.

    Main Features of LooksMax AI

    1. Face rating

    It will rate your face based on multiple variables when you upload a selfie. On a scale of 0 to 100, the masculinity, cheekbones, jawline, eyes, hair, and skin are evaluated. After evaluating each of these factors, you will get a score, which ranges from 1 to 10.

    2. Personalized improvement suggestions

    After rating your face and appearance, LooksMax AI will give you personalized suggestions to improve your attractiveness. It uses advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to identify your facial strengths and weaknesses. Based on this information, it provides customized recommendations to help you enhance your physical attractiveness.

    3. Active community engagement

    In the LooksMax AI community, you may share your experiences and progress with other users. You can get help, and receive suggestions from others who are also try improving their attractiveness. This enables you to interact with like-minded people and take inspiration from their success stories.

    How to Use LooksMax AI?

    The steps are very simple. You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store, and then upload your photos. Let the tool analyze your facial and body features. You will then receive personalized improvement suggestions, which you can use to start your self-improvement journey. Additionally, you can interact with other users in the community, share your progress and experiences, and strive for greater attractiveness together.

    What Are the Criteria for Looksmaxxing?

    criteria for looksmaxxing

    LooksMax AI evaluates the masculinity, cheekbones, jawline, eyes, hair, and skin. So the common criteria are:

    • Clear skin
    • Prominent brow bones
    • Hunter eyes
    • Focused gaze
    • Angular chin
    • Chiseled jaw
    • Hollow cheeks

    Besides, Looksmaxxing is divided into softmaxxing and hardmaxxing. The former involves gentle methods to enhance your appearance, such as fitness, skincare, hair care, choosing suitable hair and beard styles, and improving physical condition through supplements and sun exposure; while Hardmaxxing refers to more extreme measures, such as cosmetic surgery or using steroids to build muscle quickly.

    Who Should Use LooksMax AI?

    LooksMax AI is suitable for those looking to enhance their self-image and attractiveness, especially men seeking professional advice. Whether you want to boost your confidence, become more competitive in dating, or improve your appearance, this tool can provide recommendations and support. In summary, LooksMax AI can help users:

    • Boost Confidence: By analyzing facial and body features, it offers improvement suggestions that help enhance self-confidence.
    • Become more competitive in dating: Stand out on dating apps and attract more attention.
    • Improve attractiveness: Improve your wardrobe and hairstyle based on professional advice, creating a unique and appealing look.

    Pros and Cons of LooksMax AI

    Although LooksMax AI has received a warm welcome from many users on social media, it has also faced criticism. Let’s take a look at its pros and cons.


    • Personalized suggestions: Provides tailored advice based on individual facial and body feature analysis.
    • Boost your confidence: Helps you enhance your self-esteem by offering improvement suggestions.
    • Comprehensive analysis: Covers various aspects of your appearance, including wardrobe and hairstyle improvements.
    • Community support: Offers an active community for you to share experiences, receive feedback, and support each other.


    • Reliance on AI: After all, the suggestions are given by AI. But beauty and attractiveness are subjective.
    • Too much on appearance: Focusing too much on appearance might lead to neglecting inner development and self-improvement.
    • Criticism of accuracy: Some users may question the accuracy and objectivity of the AI’s analysis and recommendations.
    • Potential privacy concerns: Uploading personal photos for analysis may raise privacy issues.
    • It’s not free: Advanced features and personalized suggestions might come at a cost.

    Alternatives to LooksMax AI

    If you don’t like LooksMax AI, feel that its ratings are inaccurate, or find the suggestions unhelpful, are there alternatives for LooksMax AI? Certainly, here are some other options.


    RizzGPT allows you to upload different styles of photos so that you can explore different versions of yourself. And then it gives personalized suggestions respectively. You can find it on both the App Store and Google Play.

    rizzgpt looksmax ai feature


    Umax is very alike to LooksMax, they work in a similar way and have similar designs. However, their rating standards are different. So, if you don’t like LooksMax AI, Umax is a great alternative. However, it only supports iOS devices currently.

    umax ai


    Vidnoz is an online tool to rate your face and attractiveness. It works in a simpler way, you can directly upload a photo on a browser without downloading an app.

    vidnoz looksmax ai feature


    LooksMax AI and other similar products can provide valuable suggestions by analyzing your facial features, helping you look more attractive. However, it is important to note that their advice is based on preset standards. You should not rely on them excessively. To truly looksmax and be more attractive, you need to improve both your appearance and confidence.